Celebrating Our Voices!


To the wisdom-filled, God-fearing, day-making people I have the pleasure of being surrounded by: consider this my eternal thank you. Your words are important, your presence is so so valuable, and your stories deserve to be heard. Here’s to celebrating little miracles and impactful words!

“What has been on your heart lately/what is one piece of wisdom or advice you have to give?”

Kristy Hamilton
This is Kristy Hamilton.
I had the pleasure of serving with Kristy for the month I spent in Ecuador. Kristy brought the cold, hard truth of the Lord every time we had team time. She isn’t afraid of vulnerability and she has a way with words. When I asked her for a few sentences, she said she just couldn’t do it. Kristy is going through an amazing season of growth in the Lord and here’s the wisdom she has to bring!
  1. Always Forgive. You don’t have to forget, but you must forgive. If you are still holding it above that person, you haven’t truly forgiven them. Stop bringing it up and let it go. Once you let it go and give it to God, it will really make you feel light and free. 
  2. Never go to bed angry. Resolve the situation and forgive the person. Going to bed angry or with conflict is hard on relationships. I’ve lost many friendships this way. 
  3. Spend time with The Lord daily and read scripture. He will help strengthen your armor and He truly does delight in spending time with you. He will make it known, if only you ask.  
  4. Discernment- what is speaking from your flesh and what is speaking from the Spirit? I always wanted to live in Colorado, but after living there for a year, God was calling me back home. Colorado was my dream and not God’s, and coming back home was one of the best decisions I have made thus far. He also uses these words with me when I try to do things my way: “Patience” “Not Yet” “That’s not how it’s going to happen” “Slow Down” 
  5. Words hold power. Watch what you speak upon your life and the lives of others. You may be “joking,” but it could also be you placing a curse upon them. We should be building each other up. God created us as communal beings. We belong surrounded by others, not secluded and alone. God also created us in his image, so let’s continue to point out that beautiful image in other people instead of focusing on their flaws. He has also given us authority! I used the word rebuke with a student who was speaking ill of himself and the rest of the day he went around using the word with authority.  
  6. Be here now. Live in the moment. We often try to rush to the next exciting event in our lives, when sometimes the one person we are standing next to in line or on a bus really needs you to reach out to them. You have a purpose for the season you are currently in and you should embrace that purpose! Slow down and soak in all of God’s beauty that surrounds you. 
  7. I work at a camp and I usually have groups of 12+ middle school kids, sometimes older and sometimes younger. I ask for God to speak through me. I know that my knowledge will not sink into everyone, but I know that at some point it will take root in at least one person’s life. When you ask God to use you, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to that person- sometimes they just need someone to listen to them, and sometimes they will tell you their life story and repeat the phrase “I don’t know why I am telling you this.” 
  8. Stop going back to comfort foods and comfort activities. I am so guilty of inhaling all of the chocolate and plantain chips in my vicinity, but I have also learned that I should not be finding my comfort here; I should be going to Jesus for the true comfort I need. Mental Health days should be spent with the Lord. 
  9. Life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Life can be hard, especially following God. Does God want you to be happy? Yes, but that doesn’t mean that life with him will be cake. God wants you to find and Choose Joy in ALL situations. Paul was in prison so many times, and yet what did he do? He found Joy; he praised and worshipped God while he was in a prison cell. His life was far from easy, but he found Joy in the one place we should all seek it: in Christ. 
  10. I listened to a podcast a month or so ago and these words have stuck with me ever since. “It’s all real, everything we believe, it’s real.” This was from a Catholic priest about our faith, the church’s teachings, and those things that the church may have stopped speaking about, such as exorcisms. This was towards that spiritual realm that we tend to ignore. This leads me back to thinking about my first introduction to spiritual warfare. If it is real, then we need to evaluate just how we live our lives and how we can help others become aware of all the truths that we may be blind to. Ignorance is not bliss. 
This is Russ Marcum.
Russ is from my hometown but I didn’t know that until I met him in college. A year and a half later, our high school rivalry has truly bonded us. Russ is weird and fun and kind and someone I always love to talk to. He is intentional and firm in his pursuit of the Lord.

“The unexamined life is not worth living. I’ve had two drastically different experiences in college. On both accounts I’ve been surrounded by the most caring, loving, and kind people on the face of the earth. But my own disposition of wanting to do what’s easy and mentally checking out for the day spiraled into what felt like a very lonely place. Grades slipped, what I used to love became boring, and a lack of patience consumed any conversation I was a part of. But thank God for the incredible people around me who never gave up. Because when I turned my mental attention off of me and back on those around me, it was like nothing had ever changed. The drive for school work came back. Wasting time in the dining hall with friends came back. Halo tournaments till 3:00am happened. Do not let your actions just happen. Think things through. Do something for someone else, even if it’s just for the sake of doing it the first time. It will soon become a true joy with practice.”

Mary Cowart
This is Mary Cowart.
I didn’t mean to have three Mary’s in a row, but it kind of happened. Mary is one of my small group leaders for Wesley and her excitement for life has inspired me since day one! Mary is a natural leader and fighter for what she believes in.

“If you learn to receive grace over yourself, your life will be so much more full. It is so easy to fall into the trap that you are not doing enough for everyone, but people were not made to depend on people. People were made to depend on God. You have an opportunity to bring people into the kingdom and into joy, but you do not have the responsibility to save their soul.”

Mary Eldridge
This is Mary Elderidge.
Mary is wise, kind, and helps me untangle the consistent word vomit that encircles my head. Mary keeps it real, short, and sweet. She is strong and unwavering in her pursuit of God. She inspires me on the daily.

“Everything I want to say can be boiled down to:
1. Jesus really is enough.
2. Nothing is irredeemable.”

Mary Hathaway
This is Mary Hathaway.
Mary Hathaway introduced me to a lot of the heartbreak present in Athens through the homeless ministry she does called Athens PBJ. She has a heart for others and for the gospel, and I have no doubt she is going to change the world.

“Take time to figure out things for yourself – learn how to discern with just you and God. Seek wisdom where it’s needed but don’t depend on others to tell you how to do things. Discernment is so important! And your voice and experience and walk with God is yours and different than anyone else’s!”

Caitlyn Cox
This is Caitlyn Cox.
What I have to say about Caitlyn is mainly anticipation. In a few months I’ll get to share a home with her and I couldn’t be more excited. She is constantly hyped up by her friends as one of the greatest angels this world has ever seen, and as a compassionate and generous friend. She is so clearly loved by her people and I cannot WAIT to experience the way she loves up close!

“Last year, someone that I hadn’t met before told me that God is my safest place. I didn’t really think too much into it at the time, but now I find it so relevant. I want to be able to get to a place in my relationship with God where I know exactly when I begin drifting away from him. Fear or anxiety cannot exist in his presence!! Bringing literally anything to God before the opinion of myself or others is what I am working on. While he already knows about every aspect of our lives, the only way to create a relationship is by taking the good and bad to him. In the same way that I communicate with and am devoted to my friends and family, I want to seek him and his presence. While we are all forced to be still and live at a slower pace right now, it’s so important to be mentally focused on God, giving him space to speak and move.”