This site is home to some Javascript Challenges I tried out!

Scroll to check them out and hear about how I completed them!

Lets see it!

So, I decided to try out the CSS+JS Clock, the HTML5 Canvas, and the Flex Panel's Challenges

Click here to view my work.

CSS + JS Clock Challenge

Click the link and watch the clock tick!

Click here to view my work.

HTML5 Canvas Challenge

Click the link, tap the screen with your mouse, and drag! Draw some fun and colorful pictures!

Hover over the panels below to read about each challenge.

Click here to view my work.

Flex Panels Image Gallery Challenge

Click the link, tap each of the panels, enjoy reading some fun quotes and looking at pretty pictures!

What this project taught me:

This project not only taught me Javascript Coding, but allowed me to reinforce coding I had learned earlier on in the semester! This gave me an intro to Javascript and helped me get familiar with its placement in html coding sheets and also its general format. I was also able to utilize a bootstrap theme and reinforce what I learned earlier in the semester, on how to customize a bootstrap theme. With this bootstrap theme, I created a tan, brown, white, and beige color scheme to make the colors of my Javascript challenges pop. I loved how this theme was so minimal but included features such as the hover feature over the pictures of my challenges where I was able to explain what each taught me. I also got to relearn the process of creating and styling buttons, as there are buttons included in each challenge to return to the Javascript Arcade home page. I enjoyed not only being able to customize the home page and make it my own, but I enjoyed doing so with the Javascript challenges as well.